Cat Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

If your cat is older than eight years of age, he/she is considered to be a “senior” pet. We typically recommend bi-annual wellness exams for our senior patients as things can change with our older pets faster than when they are younger. Our veterinarians will also discuss running some senior wellness bloodwork with you when you come for your appointment as we always promote “early disease detection” here at College Manor Veterinary Hospital. The sooner we are alerted to any changes with your animal companion, the sooner we can start to remedy the situation and help to keep them healthy and happy for many years to come.

What are the stages of a senior cat’s life? How to spot signs of ageing?

When a cat reaches their senior years, regular trips to the veterinarian will help to detect medical conditions that could become more pronounced in their later years of life. The earlier we can diagnose these changes and act upon them, the better our chances of managing them successfully. Some things you may notice to alert you to your cats changing needs are mobility issues, inappropriate urination or defecation, dementia, skin disease or weight loss just to mention a few. Should you notice your cat starting to slow down or show signs of ageing, please call us at 905-853-4706 and schedule a senior wellness appointment for your cat.

My senior cat is losing weight, what can I do?

If you notice your senior cat is starting to lose weight, please give the clinic a call at (905) 853-4706 and schedule a senior preventive care exam for your cat.

How can I care for my senior cat?

A few things you can do to help make life easier for your senior cat are provide them with a warm comfy bed as many senior pets suffer from arthritis and mobility issues. As cats age their litterbox habits may change as well, so it is always best to have multiple clean litterboxes throughout your home. Regular trips to the veterinarian for preventive care exams and senior blood panels will also help to tip us off early about anything unusual with your cat and get back on track before any permanent damage has occurred.

What are some common health issues?

Some common health issues with senior cats are weight loss, heart disease, kidney insufficiency, diabetes, arthritis, dental disease etc.

Why is my senior cat having behavioural issues?

As cats age their litterbox habits will sometimes change as well. It is very important throughout your cat’s life to always make sure he/she has a clean fresh litter pan to use should the need arise. Some cats will become more aggressive or agitated as they get older. This typically has nothing to do with the owner, but more to do with your cat and their comfort level. If an older cat is suffering from arthritis or painful joints, they will sometimes lash out at you when you are trying to comfort them. Do not be alarmed. This is a good indicator your cat needs to be re-assessed by your regular veterinarian and quite possibly some form of therapy initiated. Please call the office at 905-853-4706 to schedule your appointment.

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