Dog Dental Care

Maintaining oral health is equally important for your pet as it is for humans.

Does your dog have bad breath or trouble chewing? Is he or she pawing at their face or have you noticed a recent change in their eating habits? It may be time to come in and discuss your pet’s oral health with one of our wonderful caring team of veterinarians at The College Manor Veterinary Hospital.

During the consultation, our doctor would be happy to do a comprehensive oral exam on your dog and provide you with a treatment plan to get your animal companion’s oral health back on track.

Once your pet is here for their dental procedure and under a general anesthetic for the scaling and polishing of his or her teeth, we also have the benefit of being able to take some dental x-ray if we notice anything we are concerned about. Dental x-ray gives us the benefit of seeing what’s happening under the gum line and allows us to make the best recommendations for the continued oral health of your special canine friend.

What types of dental care for dogs do you offer at your clinic?

Here at College Manor Veterinary Hospital we offer preventive dental scaling and polishing under general anesthesia for your canine companion to help keep their teeth in the best shape possible for many years to come. We also have the benefit of a digital dental x-ray unit to help us make informed decisions regarding your pet’s oral health to help us make the best-informed decisions for your four-legged family member.

How often should you brush your dog’s teeth?

We often hear the question how often I should brush my pet’s teeth. Certainly, the more often you brush the better. Always aim for daily dental care, just as you would do for yourself. If you can’t manage every day, brushing every other day will still remove the plaque before it has time to harden on their teeth.

The hardest part is getting started and once you have done it for a while it will become just another part of your daily routine. Please remember to use pet toothpaste when brushing, as well as toothpaste made for people, can upset your dog’s stomach.

Why is dental health important for dogs?

People are very aware of plaque control, cavity prevention and bad breath for ourselves and as such we visit our dentist regularly and yet we not think to do this for our pets. The most common disease we see in pet animals is periodontal disease, however, pets are also subject to broken teeth, orthodontic problems, and even cavities.

All of these problems can also lead to infections that introduce bacteria into other parts of the body. In other words, bad teeth can lead to a sick animal. The first step to good oral health is to look in your pet’s mouth on a regular basis.

If your dog’s gums appear red or inflamed, if there’s a foul odour, if you see pus at the gum line or any broken teeth please call us at 905-853-4706 and one of our veterinarians will assess the problem and formulate a treatment plan. The best solution is to look after your pet’s teeth EVERY DAY with regular brushing – just like you would do on your own.

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